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5 things you can do NOW to make sure you are #BIMready

We thought we would offer our thoughts on what you can be doing now to prepare for BIM and be ahead of the crowd in this new digital world.

1. Do your homework – make sure you know what BIM really is and what it means for you, your company and your clients. Online research, conferences, training courses, webinars – all of these and more can be found in abundance and can help you get up to speed. In fact, we have a great webinar running on the 1st of May designed to give you an introduction to BIM – The Basics of BIM, book here:

2. BIM isn’t just about knowing the software, it’s about learning and adopting a new way of delivering projects, to be more efficient, more effective and more productive.

3. Planning – start early and use a structured process, use your previously completed research to develop a plan that works for you and your projects

4. Make sure your technology (and the people using it) are ready for BIM, for example – is your network able to support this level of data exchange internally and externally? Is your internet connection reliable enough? Do you have the right desktop equipment? Do you or your staff know how to manage any new software or hardware brought in?

5. Start using BIM – use BIM internally (initially) for design documents and build up your confidence, before developing and using it in more complex and wide-reaching ways – ready for 2016’s requirements.

To find out more about what the BRE Academy offers with BIM, visit the BIM section of our website.