On the 23rd May, Sean McCormick, Senior BIM Consultant for BRE will be speaking at Clerkenwell Design Week, where visitors will hear first hand about technology and the digital world are helping the construction industry to grow forwards.
Sean will talk through several elements, including:
The evolution of the Information Age and how it has shaped the AECO industry to BIM
The transition from 1980s technology such as VHS, Commodore 65 to modern day mobile apps and browser-based technologies space shows the speed at which this tech has developed. Facebook, for example, now has over 1.2bn users; a number that rivals most countries. Technologies such as these, combined with the Internet of Things (IoT), are transforming our lives as individuals, industries and communities.
We need to embrace this technological age to adapt, or risk being left behind. BIM is one gateway into this innovative disruption.
What is BIM Level 2, the Government mandate, and what lies beyond?
The Bew/ Richards BIM maturity model outlines a roadmap for the development of BIM within the UK. Sean will be expanding on each maturity level and explain what they mean for architects and other disciplines within AECO Industry.
Embracing the BIM evolution
As the industry moves forward through the 21st century, consideration is needed for what lies beyond BIM Level 2. What new skills will be needed to transform the built environment; how can technology enhance designs for life; and how we build a case for investment for innovation within the UK to meet these challenges?
Sean will address these considerations as well as look at the current skills gap within industry and the development of the ‘T’ Shaped professional to meet future demands. Sean will also address the fears that come with the development of new technologies and argue a case for industry to welcome these new technologies to enhance current and future roles.
How BRE helps
As world leading specialists within Building Information Modelling (BIM), BRE’s BIM team are supporting industry to adopt the processes and change management around BIM Level 2, through the delivery education programmes, certification schemes (for individuals and business systems), advisory services and research.
Don’t miss the chance to hear Sean and to have a chat with him about this in ‘meet the expert’ sessions at Clerkenwell Design Week – book your space here: https://registration.n200.com/survey/1ox2xrnj3rgac?