Hi, I am Mathieu, a newly arrived BRE intern, coming straight from France!
I will be blogging quite a bit during my five weeks long internship, to share my impressions with you all!
I arrived on Monday the 11th, and my supervisor, Orivaldo, showed me around the buildings and Innovation Park. How surprising! I don’t know what I was expecting, but definitely not that! It was a pleasant surprise, of course: the place is huge, and very well designed, with a lot of nature everywhere. I didn’t even began to work that I already felt at ease in this environment. Then Orivaldo, my “messy, yet fun” supervisor, as he describes himself, presented me his work, and how I was going to help him. He previously made me watch a video about a new concept: “connectography”, which is about how people tend to gather in megacities, that form cluster of tens of millions of people, and about how the world is not defined by borders or administrations, but by connections. Afterwards, I had to come up with an idea for a project, in collaboration with the University of Brasília, how exciting! Since I am studying International Relationship in Paris, I am super excited about this! I worked on this a couple of days, and I am still looking forward to continuing it. I also met a lot of different people in my building, including the CEO, Pete, who was really a nice person, and looked very accessible as well. Later, on Wednesday, I was given some more missions, which I am again quite excited to work on.
So, this is it, my first few days within BRE! I did not really know what to expect when arriving here, but from what I have seen, I am not disappointed. I already feel like my five week internship will run out very quickly!
Stay tuned, other blogs are coming!