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BREEAM In-Use: New improved functionality

Figure 1 – BREEAM In-Use Online Platform

BRE Global initially consulted the market to understand which functionality could add most value to the BREEAM In-Use online platform. After this consultation it became clear that three major pieces of work were required. BRE Global is delighted to announce that these have either recently been released, or are currently under development. Each of these are explained in more detail below:

Improvement 1: Evidence (Beta) module – LIVE

Before the introduction of this Evidence (Beta) module, evidence had to be uploaded on a question by question basis, which was often an inefficient way of demonstrating compliance with the BREEAM In-Use question set. Evidence can now be uploaded through the traditional browse function, or through the newly added ‘drag and drop’ function, enabling users to upload large numbers of files quickly and effortlessly. Once uploaded, the evidence is stored in a central location, allowing users to tag these pieces of evidence to all of the relevant questions it relates to. This gives users improved visibility on their evidence collection, and prevents the need for users to upload the same piece of evidence multiple times (i.e. the same floor plan can be used to demonstrate compliance for multiple questions).

Figure 2 – Question Level Upload Function
Figure 3 – Centralised Evidence Module

Improvement 2: Online reporting platform (Beta) – Under development

There is huge potential for the BREEAM In-Use online platform to produce tailored informative reports for an organisation based on their portfolio of assets. This led to the development of the ‘Online reporting platform (Beta)’.

This new reporting area (currently under development) will allow users to see an overview of their assessments in various reports. The first of these is described below:

Portfolio Overview Report – This allows the user to see an overview of their assets within their account. The data within the report can be adapted to illustrate either, the overall score/rating, the individual environmental category scores, or even the performance levels for individual questions. This user will also be able to filter this data to only show specific assets. For example, those assets of a particular type (e.g. offices), or within a particular location (e.g. located in France). The report will be visible in either a table format, or within a graph.

Improvement 3: Verification Traffic Lights (Beta) – Undergoing initial specification development

This functionality is designed to give users improved visibility on whether a BREEAM In-Use licenced Assessor has verified the evidence and answer option selected within the online platform. This will facilitate improved communications between the client and the Assessor, providing clarity on where additional evidence needs to be provided in order to award credits.

By using a simple traffic light system (red/amber/green), red illustrating non-compliances; amber showing where questions are pending Assessor review; and green to demonstrate Assessor verified content, it provides all stakeholders with quick and clear visibility on the progress of an assessment. This functionality will also enable BRE Global to put in intelligent safeguarding, such as not allowing assessments to be submitted to the BRE Global Quality Assurance process until every question (which scores credits) has been verified by the associated Assessor.


We feel that all three of these developments will add value to the BREEAM In-Use product. If you have any feedback on how further value can be added please send your feedback to [email protected]

Keep an eye out for future updates regarding our online platform . . .