As a member of the IOM3 Sustainable Development Group I am delighted to invite young researchers to submit abstracts to our third forum on Innovation in Construction Materials. The forum will take place at Imperial College London on Tuesday 12th April.
The purpose of the Forum is to provide an opportunity for young researchers involved in construction materials to present their work and exchange ideas in a friendly and supportive environment. It is specifically aimed at PhD students, early career Post-Doctoral researchers and recent appointees in industry. We aim to make this a low-cost enjoyable event that showcases exciting and innovative research.
We would like to see presentations on the whole range of construction materials, from traditional materials such as concrete and steel, to the many other materials that are used in 21stcentury construction, buildings, civil engineering and infrastructure development.
The Forum will provide a unique overview of ongoing UK university research in construction materials and extensive opportunities for informal discussion, social interaction and networking.
If you would like to present your research at the Forum please send an extended abstract including the provisional title of your presentation to Veronica Ferrandiz at: [email protected]
This should not be more than one side of A4 using Times Roman, font size 11 and 1.5 line spacing with 2.5cm margins.
The Forum will be held in the Civil and Environmental Department at Imperial College London and is organised by the Cementitious Materials Group of The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and co-promoted by other Institutions.