IHS BRE Press have just released an updated series of BRE Expert Collections. These collections pull together BRE’s extensive range of publications including Digests, Good Building Guides, Good Repair Guides and Information Papers into collections relevant to practitioners today.
‘Designing for daylight, sunlight and shading of buildings’ looks at the wealth of knowledge relating to how site layout and planning can be optimised to minimise the impact of new developments on surrounding properties and maximising the benefits of daylight and sunlight on new developments.
The pack covers everything from the basis for daylight design, controlling solar shading and display screen equipment through to solar dazzle from glazed facades.
BRE lighting expert Paul Littlefair is working with developers to provide impartial advice to enable better outcomes with regards to daylight.
BRE has been publishing industry expert guidance and advice for over 90 years and many of the underlying principles are still relevant today.
The updated expert series pull together the publications that are still relevant today and provide the basis for much of the daylighting planning guidance used by local authorities today.
Find out more about the collection at https://www.brebookshop.com/details.jsp?id=327499