Since the launch of Beta we have engaged with many different HQM stakeholders, including developers, assessors, consultancies designers, consumer groups, representative industry bodies, manufacturers, academics, regulators, planners, agents and various parts of the financial sector. Most have been supportive in the aims of Home Quality Mark, with firm commitments from many via project registrations, recognition, awards and integration. To read about this development and uptake please visit
The feedback from the Beta version forms that basis for the next full version; HQM ONE. HQM ONE will be available in England, Wales and Scotland (we are considering version for Northern Ireland and Internationally for the future).
We are also proposing changes to the rating system (Stars) more details are available in the consultation, and we will write further blogs to explain our thinking.
The HQM ONE Consultation comes at a time when there is an increased focus on quality for new build homes, most recently the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety by Dame Judith Hackitt. The development of the Home Quality Mark scheme supports the culture change required in taking greater responsibility for the performance of homes that are built. HQM certification provides a mechanism that recognises those developers who are already taking responsibility with regards to quality and encourages others to enhance their service. HQM will continue to evolve to take account of changes that the Government decides to progress as a result of this Independent Review or parallel work.
In a recent speech Communities Secretary, The Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP said (1)
“…..Nor should we be satisfied with simply meeting minimum standards. They’re just that, the absolute minimum, the lowest level you can get away with reaching. They’re not something to aim for, they’re something to exceed”
Home Quality Mark provides a framework, for developers to go above and beyond minimum standards, communicated this in a trusted manner to consumers, planners and the financial sector.
As well as engaging directly with HQM stakeholders, our press activities have reached a circulation of over 500 million people, helping to ensure that consumers recognise Home Quality Mark. Further information can be found at
This engagement forms the basis for the next version; Home Quality Mark ONE.
Have your say
As before we are seeking your views on the updated scheme. Public consultations for the HQM ONE draft manual will run until Friday 9th of February 2018.