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Online “step-by-step” guide to level 2 BIM

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Construction firms confused by the recent BIM mandate can now use a free online guide to compliance with more than 100 supporting articles.

In April 2016, Level 2 BIM became mandatory on centrally-procured public projects, with far-reaching implications for those involved. Clients, consultants, contractors and suppliers are all required to understand the finer details of the Level 2 process. But the 2016 NBS BIM Survey found 42% of respondents were just aware of BIM and 28% were not very, or not at all confident in BIM.

To help address this problem, a new online guide, created by Designing Buildings Wiki and PCSG, takes users step-by-step through the Level 2 workflows, from the basics of storing project information to preparing employer’s information requirements. It is aligned to PAS 1192-2 and the RIBA plan of work and is supported by more than 100 linked articles giving additional information about BIM.

The guide is “open access”, meaning anyone in the industry can edit and improve it. This means it will develop over time as users make changes to reflect their experience of using BIM in practice.

Designing Buildings Wiki chairman David Trench CBE said: “We don’t all have to know how to operate BIM software, but everyone needs to understand the information workflows, collaborative practices and terminology that Level 2 has introduced. We’ve translated the jargon into plain English and explained the processes in a way that will feel familiar, rather than intimidating, to encourage the industry to embrace this change.”

Adrian Burgess, technical director at PCSG said: “It’s all about collaboration. What we have created is a starting point. We’re now calling on the industry to add to and improve the guide and its supporting articles to help create a truly comprehensive resource.”

To access the guide go to