It may not be the prettiest day trip, but educating the youth of today on the issues surrounding waste is an important and necessary task. The problems related to waste are becoming increasingly apparent as time goes by. In 2012 the UK produced 26.4 million tonnes of waste from households alone, of which almost 44% was recycled. With household recycling rates increasing each year, how many of us are actually aware of what happens to our recycling?
In many cases it is placed onto a truck and taken to a Materials Recycling Facility (MRF). The Milton Keynes MRF was built in 1993, and was the first purpose-built facility of its type in the UK. Mixed recycling from all over Milton Keynes arrives at the MRF before being exposed to a range of different processes which separate the recycling, and bale it in order for it to be transported to locations where these materials can be used to make new products. If you are interested in learning more about how ballistic separators sieve recycling to separate cans and plastic from paper and cardboard, or how large magnets are used to remove steel from the recycling, then look to book a tour of the Milton Keynes MRF.
Last year the site had almost 2000 visitors! The facility regularly undertakes educational visits for local schools and community groups, while also offering the general public an opportunity to look around the facility the first Thursday of every month. Visiting the facility really allows you to witness first-hand the processes that are required in order for the UK to recycle its waste!
Further information can be found here:
Please look online to find more information about booking your place on a tour!
Green Growth Generation themes: Preserving our planet, More with less