BRE and in particular BREEAM have long standing relationships with the Romanian construction industry; especially with respect to sustainability and energy use in buildings. I have supported the Romanian Energy Performance of Buildings Conference (RCEPB) since 2013. It is a multi-disciplinary international conference having, this year, as main topics:
- Implementation progress of the EU Directives 2010/31/EU, 2006/32/EU, 2009/28/EC, 2012/27/EU etc;
- Policies, programs and funding sources to achieve the 20/20/20 targets;
- Sustainable solutions for energy efficient buildings: passive houses, nearly zero-energy buildings and green buildings (optimal-cost method);
- Energy certification and auditing: demand versus offer, services quality, impact on the real estate market, energy auditors issues and solutions (round table with representatives from ministries and professional associations);
- Case studies of energetic sustainability of the urban development.
I am presenting at RECPB 2018 on the “The Value of sustainability” and “Designing The “Mind the Gap” project – Investigating the difference, in performance, between design and the building “in-use” “.
The value of sustainability paper presents the business case and value gained by being sustainable and how certification gives credibility to process and performance of portfolios and buildings.
The second paper introduces the performance gap; describes the “Mind the Gap” project and its methodology; and presents some initial data and findings.
Join me on 7 June in Bucharest, Romania to discuss solutions for a sustainable built environment.