Featured Insights

How can lower carbon cements and concretes reduce embodied carbon in the built environment?
Higher building standards and renewable electricity generation are also leading to reductions in CO2 emissions from the day-to-day, operational energy used in buildings. However, construction industry stakeholders are increasingly focused

BREEAM Version 7 set to embrace new Biodiversity Net Gain legislation
To preserve biodiversity of land that assets occupy, the UK government is making Biodiversity Net Gain mandatory for all England-based developers during 2024. Discover how BREEAM Version 7 will help

Built Environment Carbon Database calls for industry collaboration
In response to the need to address the built environment’s impact on climate change, the Built Environment Carbon Database (BECD) has been developed and is now available. The initiative aims

COP 28 to begin in Dubai, highlighting need for immediate climate action
The annual COP conferences are a key platform for world leaders, experts, and organisations to address the climate crisis. This year’s COP 28 takes place as

BRE China Awards 2023 highlight pioneering sustainability initiatives
The 2023 BRE China Awards recently concluded in Shanghai, celebrating exceptional contributions to sustainability through BREEAM.

The power of specification: building a sustainable future with BREEAM
Specification plays a pivotal role in creating a more sustainable built environment. A strategic approach to specification can embed sustainability at the outset of a project. This involves considering the

BRE responds to reports of UK government’s u-turn on biodiversity net gains
BRE responds to reports that the UK Government is to delay new environmental building guidelines, which are designed to ensure developers leave the natural environment in a measurably improved state

BRE responds to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s update to UK green policies
BRE has long argued that we urgently require a clear, long-term plan to transition our homes and buildings away from fossil fuel boilers and on to clean heat, and the

Environmental Product Declarations for construction products with BRE
The built environment contributes 40% of greenhouse gases globally. In an era defined by growing environmental consciousness, businesses are increasingly recognising the need to adopt sustainable practices to mitigate their

Navigating urbanisation: a focus on better standards for indoor air quality
The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that outdoor and indoor air pollution contribute to millions of premature deaths annually. As we primarily live within indoor spaces, we become more susceptible

Advancing ESG: Driving asset sustainability with BREEAM and GRESB
Hear from Breana Wheeler, US Director of Operations at BREEAM, and Dan Winters, Senior Director of Market Development and Strategic Initiatives at GRESB, as they discuss how the commercial real

Building an effective net zero strategy with BREEAM
Investors and owners in every major real estate market in the world are grappling with the risks and opportunities presented by climate change, and the pressing need to decarbonise the

Driving change: BREEAM and net zero carbon update
As the need to address the impact of the built environment becomes more urgent, the launch of BREEAM Version 7 consultation and BRE’s net zero carbon survey aims to put

Changing the way we heat our homes to meet net zero: putting households at the centre.
According to BRE research, sixty two percent of British home owners wouldn’t feel at all confident explaining how a heat pump works and in Autumn 2022 a UK government survey

Why we welcome the National Planning Policy Framework evolving to reflect carbon
Only by understanding the full carbon impact of all planned developments, including embodied and operational carbon emissions, can the planning system begin to incentivise carbon neutral or – even better

BRE responds to the Net Zero Review
The UK Government has published the review of net zero targets and policy by former minister Chris Skidmore MP, which BRE fed into. The review is comprehensive, with sensible and

As energy bills rise, how can we tackle fuel poverty in the UK?
As energy bills continue to rise, the latest fuel poverty data, which we produced for the UK Government, reveals the household groups who are most at risk.

What does the Chancellor’s Spring statement mean for the built environment and net zero?
On Wednesday 23 March, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak MP issued his 2022 Spring Statement, setting out the state of the UK’s economy amidst rising inflation and a cost

How decarbonising the built environment is the key to meeting net zero
Gillian Charlesworth, CEO at BRE The climate change crisis is not just about power plants and car engines: our homes and buildings play a huge role in warming our planet.

What does the Levelling Up White Paper mean for the built environment and net zero?
Tuesday 2 February 2022 saw the publication of the UK Government’s long-awaited Levelling Up White Paper, setting out its plans to “spread opportunity and prosperity