Energy Assessors – Inspection of Air Conditioning Systems Scheme for Scotland

Scottish Government (Building Standards Division) inspections for air conditioning systems

Many commercial buildings and an increasing number of homes have air conditioning systems.  These systems should be carefully maintained in order that they do not consume too much energy.

As a requirement of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, Scottish Government (Building Standards Division) is introducing regular inspections for air conditioning systems.  Commencement of inspections for existing systems is as follows:

  • For all systems with an effective rated output of more than 250 kW, from 4 January 2009 with first inspections completed by 4 January 2011.
  • For all other systems with an effective rated output of more than 12 kW from 4 January 2011 with first inspections completed by 4 January 2013.

The trigger for air conditioning systems inspections is the size (effective rated output) of the system not the type of building and so the measures apply to homes, commercial and public buildings.

The inspection is undertaken by trained and accredited energy assessors and includes an assessment of efficiency, a review of the system sizing and advice on improvements or replacements and alternative solutions.

BRE has recently entered into a protocol with the Scottish Government for the provision of a certified scheme for the inspection of air conditioning units in Scotland.

BRE will soon be launching its scheme in Scotland in order to satisfy the requirements of the protocol.  Scheme applications will be taken through the following routes:

  • APEL: where experienced air conditioning practitioners will be provided with suitable training on the legislation and procedures required.
  • Diploma route: less experienced but competent practitioners can enter into three day or five day courses of training.

Assessment is required as part of the training and approval process.

The Scheme application, training and assessment has been designed to allow air conditioning inspectors approved by BRE to work across the whole of the UK, as the requirements are the same as those required by Communities and Local Government Department.

For more information

Call us on +44 (0)1355 576200 if you would like to know more, or email [email protected]