BRE is proud to have played a major role in the development of the new English Housing Survey 2018-2019 reports.
The English Housing Survey is a continuous national survey commissioned by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). It collects information about people’s housing circumstances and the condition and energy efficiency of housing in England. It is one of the longest standing government surveys and was first run in 1967.
The annual publications are the culmination of the work BRE does each year in collaboration with our partners NatCen Social Research and CADS Housing Surveys to collect, model and report on the data. This year, we are pleased to be the lead authors on the ‘Energy efficiency, 2018-19’ and ‘Profile and condition of the English housing stock, 2018-19’ reports, as well as leading on the production of the ‘Accessibility of English homes’ and ‘Size of English homes’ factsheets.
The energy efficiency report produced a number of interesting findings, including the fact that the energy efficiency of the English housing stock has increased over the last decade. A third of dwellings are now in the highest bands (A to C) (up from 9% in 2008), while the proportion of dwellings in the lowest energy efficiency bands F or G has decreased over the same period. The report also shows where improvement in the stock is possible. For example, just over a quarter of private rented dwellings have less than 100mm of loft insulation and rented homes in general are more likely to experience condensation, damp or mould problems than owner-occupied homes.
Each year initial results are published in a headline report at the beginning of the year. This is followed by a series of more detailed reports released in the summer.
Take a look here: