BRE invites construction industry professionals to discuss their fight against modern slavery

Ahead of BRE and Sustain Worldwide’s conference – Responsible & Ethical Leadership for Global Construction Supply Chains – we invited three construction industry professionals to discuss their fight against modern slavery.

Ahead of BRE and Sustain Worldwide’s conference – Responsible & Ethical Leadership for Global Construction Supply Chains – we invited three construction industry professionals to discuss their fight against modern slavery.

In this podcast Juliet Spare is in conversation with:

  • Chris Harrop, Group Sustainability & Marketing Director, Marshalls Plc
  • Alice Hands, Sustainable Procurement Manager, Sir Robert McAlpine
  • Danny Hobson, Head of Ethics & Sustainability, Arco

Listen to the organisations’ journeys, their commitment to ethical labour sourcing and how their businesses have benefited from their approaches to responsible sourcing.

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Highlights from the podcast

Awareness has been growing since the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act in 2015. BRE’s conference on the 6th November brings together leading practices in the construction industry. If you are thinking about your approach to responsible and ethical sourcing then this day – with 27 speakers (including Alice, Chris and Danny) and many delegates to network with – will provide a rich source of knowledge.

BRE operates the Responsible Sourcing (BES 6001) and the Ethical Labour Sourcing (BES 6002) verification schemes. If you would like to know more please contact our Sustainable Products team via [email protected].

More of Juliet Spare’s podcasts regarding the exploitation of workers are available at

Header image: Thomas Cristofoletti, Ruom. Copyright©2018 Royal Holloway, University of London. @Blood_Bricks