Note: This press release is over six months old and the details may have been superseded. Please contact the Press Office for the latest information.
BRE has always aligned to current good practice, UK, European and International Standards. At present BS 1192 and PAS 1192-2 are the principle standards for BIM and information management requirements. As noted in a recent press release, these standards will be superseded later on this year by BS EN ISO 19650-1 and BS EN ISO 19650-2. To reflect this change the BIM training and BIM certification services from the BRE Academy and BRE Global Ltd will be revised to be consistent with these new standards. To reassure you, our existing customers, we would like you to be aware that BRE actively participated, and continues to participate, in the development of these standards and so is fully aware of their contents. In this respect it is our opinion that only minor changes will be required to our training and certification services to accommodate these new standards. Where changes do occur, support will be available to you in the form of webinars or supplementary documentation to promote a smooth transition to BS EN ISO 19650-1 and BS EN ISO 19650-2. We anticipate that for certification customers any changes can be implemented at your next surveillance audit, and that until then your current certification will remain valid.