Note: This press release is over six months old and the details may have been superseded. Please contact the Press Office for the latest information.
Dr Stephen Garvin, Director of BRE Centre for Resilience responds to the risk assessment issued today to Government by the Committee on Climate Change. The report ‘UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Evidence Report’ sets out the most urgent risks and opportunities arising for the UK from climate change and represents more than three years of work involving hundreds of leading scientists and experts.
‘This is a very welcome risk report from the Committee on Climate Change which highlights the importance of acting now on the infrastructure we develop so that long term resilience is designed in or retrofitted – this is what BRE’s CEEQUAL and BREEAM schemes enable – better adaption to climate change effects now and in the future.
But there is a substantial knowledge gap we need to fill to get the built environment ready and adapted for the future – the social, economic and environmental risks are significant. The BRE Centre for Resilience has made a start – later this year we will issue 2 reports on studies we’ve conducted around tackling overheating in urban dwellings and the development of flood resilience repair standards for homes.
We will also launch a new demonstration project with insurers AXA – a ‘flood resilient’ house which is being refurbished with a range of materials and products that will enable a home to recover quickly and with limited damage should flooding occur.
We are keen to do more to further knowledge and engage with a broader range of industry partners – that’s how we will drive the necessary changes ’
For further information please contact Linda McKeown, BRE email [email protected]
The Centre for Resilience was created to identify the critical issues that need to be addressed as we develop and improve the homes, buildings and structures that underpin our lives into the future. Its mission is to provide a place for the sector to research, learn, develop new standards and create the next generation of resilient materials, products, designs and innovations that will ensure the robustness and longevity of our built infrastructure. Read more online…