Note: This press release is over six months old and the details may have been superseded. Please contact the Press Office for the latest information.
The European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) has licenced BRE Global as a certification body for the KEYMARK, a voluntary, independent, European certification mark for all heat pumps, combination heat pumps and hot water heaters.
KEYMARK certification is based on independent testing and compliance with the requirements of the scheme’s rules. Manufacturers who submit their products must also comply with the EU’s Ecodesign regulation* for reducing environmental impacts through design.
BRE Global Business Group Manager for Microgeneration Certification John Holden said ‘This is good news for our customers. It means that along with the MCS certification for heat pumps we currently provide (a prerequisite for the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme), we can now offer a single cost-effective service leading to both MCS and KEYMARK certification’.
Until 31 March 2017 heat pumps which have already achieved MCS, NF-PAC or LCP-HP (Eurovent) certification, or the EHPA Quality Label may be able to take advantage of transitional arrangements which provide a fast-track route to the KEYMARK.
The KEYMARK for Heat Pumps provides a single certification scheme for Europe open to all interested parties and includes:
Third party measurements using test points from Ecodesign (EU regulation 2013/813 and 2013/814)
Factory production control quality management audits
Alignment with Ecodesign (Ecodesign, minimum requirements will apply to thermal and acoustic performance).
Following this development BRE Global is now appointing Recognised Testing Laboratories and Factory Production Control Auditors to conduct heat pump testing and factory inspections under the KEYMARK for Heat Pumps certification scheme.
For further details of our certification services or to apply to become a Recognised Testing Laboratory or Factory Production Control Auditor please contact us at [email protected].
The Ecodesign of Energy-related Products Directive (2009/125/EC), or ‘ErP’, was published in October 2009 and Regulation 813/2013 came into force for heat pumps on 26 September 2015. ErP aims to reduce adverse environmental impacts throughout the life-cycle of a product and drive improvements to efficiency, while establishing a level playing field for businesses across Europe,
BRE Global
BRE Global Limited (incorporating LPCB & BREEAM) is an independent third party approvals body offering certification of fire, security and sustainability products and services to an international market. BRE Global’s product testing and approvals are carried out by recognised experts in our world renowned testing laboratories. BRE Global Limited is custodian of a number of world leading brands including:
• LPCB for the approval of fire and security products and services, listed in the Red Books.
• BREEAM the world’s leading environmental assessment method for buildings, sets the standard for best practice in sustainable design and has become the de-facto measure of a building’s environmental performance.