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Fire protection market welcomes the first BRE Global certificated portable watermist system, as awareness grows of fire risks to the vulnerable

Note: This press release is over six months old and the details may have been superseded. Please contact the Press Office for the latest information.

Surefire’s UltraGuard is the first portable watermist unit to achieve third party certification to LPS 1655, BRE Global’s dedicated fire performance standard for personal protection systems (PPS).

pps_ultraguard-test_3A PPS is a domestic fire suppression system desigWatermist PPSned to protect a specific risk, typically vulnerable people who are at greater risk from a fire in the home.

In the absence of a dedicated BS or EN standard, LPS 1655 offers a robust, third party approval standard to establish a credible performance level for PPS to engender specifier and user confidence.

BRE Global product certification manager, Nigel Firkins, presented Surefire’s marketing director, Jo Cherriman, with the company’s coveted LPS 1655 certificate at BRE’s research, testing and innovations centre in Watford.

Mr Firkins said: “We are delighted that Surefire has picked up the baton on successfully achieving third party approval for their PPS with the first certificate issued for LPS 1655 in what is a growing market. LPS 1655 provides a dependable benchmark in this product sector for the first time.”

Increasingly, fire services across the country are issuing guidance and promoting awareness to highlight the greater fire risks faced by vulnerable people living at home, often alone. BRE Global itself has co-authored guidance with London Fire Brigade (LFB) on identifying vulnerable people at risk and assessing when a PPS or other measures should be implemented.

BRE Global’s third party approval for PPS now provides confidence for care service and housing providers responsible for the safeguarding of vulnerable people.

About the LPS 1655 standard

pps_ultraguard-test_1The LPS 1655 standard incorporates system design requirements, including minimum levels of performance and functionality, system manual and installer requirements, fire test protocols, and maintenance arrangements. It also covers the examination and testing of components.

In addition, BRE inspectors carry out on-going audits of the manufacturer’s quality management systems and production to assure units on the market conform to the design blueprint.

pps_ultraguard-test_2Products are subjected to two fire test scenarios. The first is representative of fires that start in bedding or clothing where a person may be in close proximity. The second replicates ‘shielded Watermist PPSfire development’, and considers the potential for control of the fire and the prevention of fire spread beyond the items first ignited.

A PPS needs to detect and suppress a fire at a very early stage before significant heat and smoke has developed to cause serious injury. Notably, LPS 1655 requires system actuation by a fire detector (or detectors), as more traditional, thermally activated devices may be too slow, especially for smouldering fires in clothing or bedding.

BRE Global certificated products are listed in the globally recognised Red Book ( used by buyers worldwide to source trustworthy, third party approved fire and security products.


Enquiries: Helen Ball-BRE Marketing: t: +44 (0)1923 664303 e: [email protected] w:


Top: In addition to fire testing, LPS 1655 verifies PPS functionality including minimum discharge duration, flow rate, operation of manual shutdown and battery endurance.

Middle: BRE’s Nigel Firkins presents Surefire marketing director, Jo Cherriman, with the company’s LPS 1655 certificate for the UltraGuard watermist system.

Bottom: Image taken from video of UltraGuard testing to LPS 1655 at the Burn Hall, BRE’s world class fire research and testing centre. The UltraGuard unit can be seen far left as it activates to extinguish the seat of the fire (a bed, shown right).

Document references:

-Loss Prevention Standard LPS 1655: Issue 1:0. Requirements and test methods for the LPCB approval and listing of Personal Protection Watermist Systems. Available free at:

-Personal Protection System (PPS). ‘Guidance on the use, deployment and limitations of Personal Protection Watermist Systems in the homes of vulnerable people.’ Published by London Fire Brigade 2015 in association with BRE Global. Available free at:

Editor notes:

  • PPS are designed to be quickly and easily deployed in the home of a vulnerable person, potentially within a short time of the risk being identified. Generally, systems can be delivered to site, filled with water from a tap, plugged in and can be providing protection within a few hours.
  • People who fit the risk profile for a PPS will have physical or mental impairments that could inhibit their response to fire and alarms and limit their ability to escape without assistance. Typically, they will spend the majority of their time in either a bed or chair, and could be in close proximity to the seat of a fire if clothing or bedding catches alight. They may also have exhibited signs of near misses with fire, such as burn marks on clothing, bedding or furniture.