Note: This press release is over six months old and the details may have been superseded. Please contact the Press Office for the latest information.
Overclean Ltd.’s Chairman, Peter Reid, was presented with Overclean’s LPS 2084 certificate by Debbie Smith, Managing Director of BRE Global at the recent open day celebrating BRE Trust’s 20th anniversary.
Peter Reid said “Overclean, are delighted to have LPCB approval which for the first time gives clients the independent monitoring of the duct maintenance industry. We are so proud to have achieved this certification. Our clients can be assured that Overclean personnel – working to this standard – will be qualified, giving them peace of mind.”
Speaking as President of the National Association of Air Duct-cleaners UK (NAADUK), Mr Reid also added “I am so impressed that I will be recommending NAADUK members obtain this standard.”
Protecting people and property, LPS 2084 addresses issues caused by ineffective cleaning and maintenance by defining the LPCB requirements for the approval of companies carrying out inspection, cleaning and maintenance of ductwork systems that may be contaminated with combustible deposits.
Catering ductwork requires special attention as irrespective of the efficiency of the canopy filters, grease deposits will build up over time in the kitchen extraction ductwork and canopies. Regular cleaning of ducting is therefore essential to avoid grease build-up which can create a serious fire risk as well as reduce the effectiveness of the extraction system and shorten the life of fans in the system.
LPS 2084 assesses companies to ensure that they: have appropriately trained and competent named individuals undertaking the cleaning works; verify that the completed works meet the requirements of the standard (LPS2084); document and report correctly; identify and record areas of limited access where inspection, cleaning and maintenance are impractical and communicate these limitations to the client; provide recommendations for access improvements to better facilitate the ongoing cleaning and maintenance of the ductwork system. The certificated companies are audited by BRE Global on an ongoing regular basis to ensure that they continue to adhere to the requirements of the standard and are listed on
LPS 2084: [email protected]
Media: [email protected]
Notes for Editors
BRE Global, part of BRE Group, is an independent, third-party approvals organisation, offering certification and verification of products, services and systems to an international market. Our testing and approvals are carried out by recognised experts in world-class facilities. More at
Overclean Ltd, established in 1984, are one of the leading companies in ductwork cleaning and ancillary services. All operatives are fully trained using up-to-date equipment specific for cleaning ducting. With ISO 9001 and SSIP, Overclean continue to set standards in the industry providing a quality high standard of cleaning, ensuring that clients’ buildings have a good internal air quality and a ventilation system that runs efficiently.
NAADUK (National Association Air-Duct Cleaners UK) aims to create a National Register of Duct Cleaners, trained and assessed to the highest standards, for use by Local Authorities and other organisations.