A series of reports on domestic energy use in England
These reports consider the energy efficiency characteristics of the English housing stock, as described by the English House Condition Survey (EHCS).
The set of reports based on the 2001 survey examines the provision of heating facilities, the characteristics of fuel consumption, the energy efficiency characteristics of the stock and the provision of specific energy efficiency measures, drawing comparisons with the 1996 EHCS where appropriate.
Subsequent reports are based on the EHCS continuous survey and place more focus on space and water heating systems and thermal insulation measures, whilst continuing the analysis of energy efficiency ratings. They also extend temporal analysis back to 1991, establishing a timeline that will continue to be updated annually.
A two part supplementary ‘focus report’ on ‘hard to treat homes’ has also been produced. The first part of this report examines key attributes of this section of the housing stock, and investigates the scope for energy efficiency improvements. Thesecond part considers the potential for carbon dioxide savings in this section of the stock under various improvement scenarios, with particular focus on the scope for solid wall insulation and heat pumps
These reports have been prepared on behalf of the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), through a contract managed by the Energy Saving Trust (EST). Each report consists of an executive summary, the main body of the report and a complete series of supporting tables.
Please see the table below for reports and XLS tables (2007 only).
Additional reports: