The SAP Industry Forum

The SAP Industry Forum (SAPIF) has been created to provide a clear route for industry to feed in and discuss their views on the development of SAP, and also as a route for government to discuss policy options in relation to SAP and hear industry views on these. It is an advisory group rather than a decision-making body. This is a different group to the SAP Scientific Integrity Group (SAPSIG). For more information about SAPSIG please click here.

The current priority for the SAPIF is to consider what the priorities should be for SAP 11 development.  This includes consideration of new technologies and measures that may be more widespread in homes in coming years, and how SAP needs to change to be able to include the impact of these in energy assessments.

The existence of this forum does not remove the need for public consultation on major updates to SAP.

Members of SAPIF represent the broad range of interests in SAP.  It is recognised that there may be times when members will be involved in discussions or work with SAPIF where they, their company or their trade association has a commercial or political interest.  It is important that all such interests are declared in advance and recorded as required by procedures.

If you have any questions about membership, please contact [email protected]; or if you would like to send in ideas or feedback for SAP 11 development, please contact [email protected]


SAPIF terms of reference

Working group terms of reference

June 2018 meeting minutes

June 2018 meeting presentation

October 2018 meeting minutes

March 2019 meeting minutes

March 2019 meeting presentation

July 2019 WG leaders meeting minutes

July 2019 WG leaders presentation

October 2019 meeting presentation

SAP 11 Technologies Report