Building Improvements

BRE has developed a ground breaking energy modelling tool that enables you to enter basic information about your care home buildings and identify the most effective improvements you can make to those particular buildings.

You will be taken through a series of questions and at the end the energy model will produce specific recommendations for the improvements you could make, how much they would cost, how much you could expect to save, the likely payback period and carbon savings.

Note: at this moment in time, we are only able to model care home buildings which have fewer than 60 bedrooms

To ensure as many care home operators can use the tool as possible, two versions of the survey questions have been created; a simplified version and a detailed version.

Simplified modelling tool

The simplified version should only take 5 minutes to complete and will give you an overview of the improvements that would be most appropriate for your care home. You do not need to have any detailed technical information to hand, just some basic information about the building, it’s rough age and the number of rooms.

Detailed modelling tool

The detailed version takes around 15 minutes to complete but provides a more precise detailed and accurate report of where you can improve the energy efficiency of the building. The detailed energy model includes questions about the type of heating and hot water systems you have as well information about, lighting, glazing and any renewable technologies and your energy bills.

Note - If you have the time and access to the relevant information, it is recommended that you complete the detailed version of the tool as the results will be more accurate.