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Green Architecture Day

Every year Brighton Permaculture celebrates in partnership with Low Carbon Trust a Green Architecture Day in Brighton to inspire anyone interested in sustainability and the built environment.

The event has built a steady attending rate of 2000 participants who want to quench their thirst for knowledge  around living and working in greener buildings. Taking place on a Saturday – 19 March, this year’s theme is Approaches to design and speakers include Turner Prize winners Assemble, as well as architect Ben Law talking about building with our woodland resource and Nic Pople on architecture inspired by nature and sacred buildings.

Included in the activities, visitors will also have the opportunity to visit the award-winning Waste House, as well as stalls from Brighton Permaculture Trust and Permanent Publications.

We will probably pop down to Brighton for a short trip to the seaside, so we hope to see there.

Find out more details and book here.