Have you ever said, ‘What Travis Perkins really ought to sell is XYZ’? We know many of you will have great new product ideas or like solving problems, so why not get in touch.
Travis Perkins plc has announced that the first Travis Perkins Innovation Awards (TPIA) opened for applications from 1st March. The Awards are open to a wide range of sectors in an attempt to find ground-breaking product innovation and problem solutions for the UK construction industry.
Anyone with a good idea can enter TPIA, which has two entry streams: Problem Solving and Product Innovation. New construction products are the focus of the Product Innovation category with applicants invited to submit their ideas and specifications. Applicants to the Problem Solving category can put forward solutions to industry specific problems identified by Travis Perkins plc customers.
The discretionary award structure is based on providing substantial financial and business support for product and idea development, including up to £10,000 in financing, an opportunity to trial products in selected Travis Perkins plc locations around the UK, and
Ideas are no good in your head…go to www.tpia.co.uk for the application form and jot down those ideas however developed they are!
The closing date is 30th June 2016, with winners being announced by the end of September 2016. Leaders from the industry are members of the judging panel, including the BRE.
If you’d like to find out more about TPIA, please contact [email protected].