Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are required under the Town and Country Planning (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 for certain types of developments before planning consent can be granted.
BRE’s EIA Team specialises in the effective delivery of EIAs for new developments and refurbishment projects leading to successful planning applications.
EIA is the process whereby the effects of a proposed development on the environment are considered. BRE’s EIA Team offers a wide range of services from technical consultancy on specific areas of EIAs to the effective management of the overall EIA process.
We provide an integrated approach to delivering EIAs for all types of projects by closely liaising with clients and local authorities. Our experience is based on over 80 years of research and consultancy in both the private and public sectors.
We work closely with developers, designers, architects, planning consultants, building services engineers and Government agencies on various projects in both urban and rural environments. These projects range from individual buildings, large developments to major regeneration schemes in the education, health, retail, domestic and commercial sectors.
BRE has a wide-ranging portfolio in the UK, and also carries out projects worldwide, including continental Europe, the Middle East, South America and the Far East.
The technical services that BRE can provide for an EIA project include:
- Air quality
- Archaeology and Built Heritage
- Contaminated land and geotechnical investigations
- Control of pollution during construction and demolition
- Daylight and sunlight
- Ecology
- Flood risk and sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)
- Light pollution
- Noise and vibration
- Socio-economic assessment
- TV reception
- Ventilation
- Waste management
- Wind environment
For more information
Call us on +443333218811if you would like to know more, or email [email protected]