Additional Privacy Statement
Date: 18 October 2019
Welcome to the additional privacy statement for both the website (“Website”) and other BRE Group Housing and Energy data services (“Services”). This should be read in conjunction with the BRE Group Privacy Policy found here.
The BRE Group Privacy Policy addresses the BRE Group’s responsibilities to users of its various websites. This Additional Privacy Statement is designed for individuals who are not authorised users of the Website, or are not recipients of the Services, but may believe that they are affected by any outcomes generated by the Website or the Services.
What the Website does for our Customers?
The Website provides a means of summarising, querying, accessing and updating the dwelling condition energy efficiency and household data, as more fully described in the contracts between BRE and its customers (“Contracts”), as well as a means for our customers to readily receive updates to the data where these are provided by BRE.
What are the sources of data that underpin the Website?
The sources of the data are modelled data described in the Contracts.
What is the Output that the Website provides for BRE’s Customers?
The outputs are tabulations of the dwelling condition energy efficiency and household data including both dwelling and household level data and summary tabulations provided at different geographical levels.
What are the Services for our Customers?
BRE use statistical methods to provide modelled data estimating dwelling condition, energy efficiency and household characteristics at dwelling and household level which are provided to our customers through the Website and written reports.
What are the sources of data that underpin the Services?
BRE use data from the English Housing Survey, commercially sourced dwelling and household profile data and Customer data as inputs to the models that underpin the Services.
What is the output that the Services provide for BRE’s Customers?
The output that the Service provides to BRE’s customers are tabulations of the dwelling condition, energy efficiency and household data and summary tabulations provided at different geographical levels delivered to our customers through the website and written reports.
Some processing in performance of the Services, may amount to “Profiling” (as defined by GDPR). Whilst Profiling may take place, such is only to the extent to understand your home, its energy efficiency, predicted occupancy and other dwelling information.
If you feel that you have been affected by the output of the Website or the Services, and would like to discuss, please e-mail [email protected].