Sustainability At No Extra Cost

Case Study: Campus M Business Park in Munich – a BREEAM Excellent
Campus M Business Park in Munich has achieved a BREEAM Excellent rating and is the third building from developer AIG/Lincoln to be assessed and rated under the BREEAM environmental methodology. The development is part of the Am Moosfeld Business Park, a high profile office and technology park in the eastern district of Munich, approximately 4 km from the city centre. Campus M consists of four buildings, BT 1 to BT4, together with multi-storey parking making a total rentable area of 18,500 m².

David Lawrence, European Director for Construction and Development at AIG/Lincoln said: “We are particularly pleased with our BREEAM rating and Campus M proves that achieving Excellent does not mean additional cost. A high priority was given to bringing all parties involved in the sustainability brief together early – the earlier everyone understands the process, the more cost and time effective green construction is.” Paul Gibbon, Director of Sustainability at BRE Global said: “Campus M is an exciting development and delivers an important message to investors, developers and the industry as a whole that with good design, achieving a BREEAM Excellent rating does not cost extra.”

The development scored particularly well in the Management (88.89%), Health & Wellbeing (84.62%) and Energy & Transport (83.33%) sections of BREEAM.

Key features of the development are :

  • – The building is entirely naturally ventilated with high frequency lighting and high levels of natural daylight, with workstations at most 7 metres from a window
  • – Low energy usage meeting the requirements of the German energy saving regulations EnEV2004
  • – Excellent public transport links and extensive cyclist facilities and showers
  • – Storage areas for recyclable waste in the basement
  • – Highly efficient gas condensing boilers providing the space heating
  • – Re-use of an existing site which involved the specialist disposal of contaminated material