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Watford Borough Council, Improving Private Sector Housing and Promoting Health & Wellbeing

Watford is a popular place to live with growing demand for housing of all types.

With the borough’s relatively small size, high population density and urbanised built environment, the task of maintaining an excellent housing offer to support sustainable growth and to maintain high quality of life in the town is a formidable challenge.

Housing is a key determinant of health, and poor housing conditions continue to cause preventable deaths and contribute to health inequalities. In Watford (and nationally) ‘Falls’ and ‘Excess Cold’ are by far the most common housing-related defects in the home that affect health.


Using BRE’s 2004 stock condition survey information and a Stock Modelling and Health Impact Assessment (HIA), Watford Borough Council developed a policy to improve and maintain private sector housing standards, promoting health, wellbeing and sustainability in which available resources are targeted at those most in need.

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