Your feedback
We believe that feedback is key to continuous improvement. We listen to feedback and learn lessons from what our customers say about the services we offer. We use this feedback to further improve our services to you.
If you would like to give us feedback, please complete this form:
How we classify your feedback
Any expression of satisfaction made to or about BRE by an external party, related to our products, services, or personnel.
Any expression of dissatisfaction, doubt or disappointment made to or about BRE, related to our products, services, personnel, or the complaints-handling process itself, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected. Additionally, where there is evidence of misuse of our intellectual property this will also be considered under this definition.
An expression of a negative opinion or comment on a topic. No immediate action is taken. However, it may assist with identifying issues.
An appeal is a request made by the provider of an object or system for reconsideration by BRE of a decision made relating to:
- The object of conformity assessment (certification) or,
- The object that has been tested or assessed
Appeals arise only from a decision to refuse or revoke certification (including certification suspension and withdrawal) or a decision related to testing or assessment.
A complaint or appeal does not affect any legal rights a party might otherwise have under contract or otherwise available in law.
What you can expect from us
We take customer complaints very seriously and all complaints are thoroughly reviewed by qualified colleagues in a timely way.
We have a dedicated team that coordinates and independently investigates all complaints we receive.
You can expect a significant response from us within five working days, stating our action plan for managing your complaint, and we aim to close all complaints within 30 working days.
All feedback is regularly monitored and reviewed by the Director of Corporate Affairs and BRE Group Quality Manager to inform trends and best practice that can be implemented within the business and shared with relevant business areas.