Construction Advisory Services with BRE Scotland

BRE Scotland has for over 60 years been involved in the investigation of building materials, components and whole structures. We provide a service that meets the needs of the client by drawing on many years of research and practical based expertise.

We provide advice on problem prevention and on the diagnosis of existing problems and their causes – or a fuller range of services leading to the remedial and further actions needed to put the situation right. Issues we can help with include:

Weathertightness and dampness issues in buildings, including problems caused by condensation and mould growth, where we carry out on site investigations of the conditions and building issues that give rise to the problems. We provide advice on the resilience of buildings to climate change and to flooding; where floods have affected buildings then we can advise on construction methods and technologies for resilient repair.

Indoor environment and comfort – occupants often perceive that a new building is not providing the level of air quality or comfort they expect. BRE can monitor and assess conditions and provide recommendations for improvement in heating, ventilation and the management of air quality.

Façades – successful façade design requires an understanding of all forms of construction (masonry, concrete, timber and steel), combined with up-to-date knowledge of materials. We provide technical assessments and help with solving problems.

Glass & glazing, doors & windows – our experts can advise on all aspects of glazing specifications for new and replacement buildings. We also regularly investigate and report on problems related to glass breakage and sealed unit failure. We have provided technical assessment of windows and doors for construction projects. We can provide advice on safety issues and investigate accidents resulting from falls and trapping.

Renders, plaster and mortars – we advise on material selection and design issues to minimise problems. Where problems have occurred we analyse the causes and recommend remedial actions.

Floors – we work with contractors to ensure that floor screeds and coverings are correctly specified and detailed to minimise potential problems. When floor coverings fail we can review the floor structure as a whole to ensure the correct cause is identified.

Roofs and roofing material – our experienced team will advise you on the design and specification of roofs. With a full understanding of all roof types and roofing materials, we can diagnose any problems arising and suggest the best remedial measures.

Materials durability and performance – we can advise on specifications or carry out testing to determine the performance of materials for certain uses. If failure occurs we carry out investigations and advise clients on remedial solutions.

Expert witness – BRE provides expert witness services, often helping parties to reach agreement on dispute resolution without the need for expensive court proceedings.

For more information

Call us on +443333218811if you would like to know more, or email [email protected]