Practical Fabric Testing
Scotland’s buildings and homes generate over 40% of the country’s total carbon output. With rising fuel costs and colder weather patterns action needs to be taken now to improve the energy efficiency of existing building stock. With a range of specialist services and decades of experience BRE Scotland can help clients make the right improvements.
Thermal imaging
Infrared thermography is the process of using a thermal imaging camera to view images of the heat patterns emitted from a building. It can be used to test the effectiveness of insulation, identifying air leakage or dampness and ensuring efficient fabric performance. BRE staff are qualified as UKTA level 2 thermographers.
In-situ U-value testing
In-situ U-value measurement allows the thermal performance of the building fabric to be assessed. A comparison between ‘as built’ and ‘as designed’ U-values can be drawn, verifying the final constructed performance of the building element.
Air tightness testing (for domestic and small commercial buildings)
An air tightness test verifies the constructedperformance of the building envelope and investigates andidentifies air leakage pathways. Minimising air leakage is key toreducing heat loss and energy bills.
Case Study – BRE Visitor Centre
As part of a recent Technology Strategy Board (TSB) project, BRE have undertaken a building performance evaluation of the BRE Visitor Centre @ Ravenscraig Innovation Park.
The BRE Scotland Innovation Park, located on the site of the Ravenscraig Regeneration development on the edge of Glasgow, aims to showcase the future of Scottish housing in the first phase, with non-domestic properties to follow later. The single storey, open plan, Visitor Centre was the first building to be constructed on the Park and showcases innovative technologies and construction methods to a variety of audiences. The Visitor Centre acts as demonstration and testing building to determine and display how effectively various products, materials and technologies operate in a live working environment. The purpose of this development is to research and disseminate results to inform the wider construction industry.
As a part of the project, a number of practical fabric tests were undertaken determining the envelope performance in terms of:
- Thermal Imaging
- In-situ U-value Testing
- Air Tightness Testing
For more information
Call us on +44 (0)1414 474999 if you would like to know more, or email [email protected]