Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

We strongly oppose slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. We would never knowingly engage with third parties involved in slavery or human trafficking and to this end we ask suppliers to confirm that they consider human rights as part of their corporate social responsibility policies. Any form of modern slavery or human trafficking violates the BRE Way and will not be tolerated in any part of our supply chain.

We strive to adopt and improve measures that ensure our business and supply chains are free of modern slavery and human trafficking. In compliance with the disclosure obligation under the Transparency in Supply Chain`s provision of the Modern Slavery Act, we publish an annual slavery and human trafficking statement on our website. This describes our policies in the field and due diligence process in respect of slavery and human trafficking in both our supply chains and our own business.


‘Modern slavery and human trafficking’ refers to the exploitation of people or the coercion of people to provide their services

The term covers a number of specific offences under the Act comprising slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. It also applies to conduct that, even if not an offence in the country where it occurs, would constitute an offence in the UK if the conduct took place in the UK.