Home Of 2030 Hero

BRE congratulates Home of 2030 winners

BRE congratulates Home of 2030 winners featured image

Housing Minister Chris Pincher announced the joint winners of the Homeof2030 competition at an online HomesUK event hosted by BRE CEO Gillian Charlesworth. BRE was the lead consortium competition delivery partner, with our Strategic Advisory team working alongside other leading homes organisations including RIBA, Design Council and MOBIE.

BRE is delighted to congratulate the joint winners, who both proposed creative and innovative solutions to challenges we are also working to address:

+Home designed by igloo Regeneration with Useful Projects, Expedition Engineers and Mawson Kerr, which proposes community-led self-build homes that people can design themselves.

Connector Housing
Connector Housing designed by Openstudio with Hoare Lea, LDA Design and Gardiner & Theobald, a flexible and adaptable system for age-friendly, multi-generational housing and neighbourhoods.

The other four shortlisted teams, and their proposals, were:

Positive House

Perpendicular Architecture, humblebee and changebuilding, with a team including EcoSystems Exterior Architecture and Arup with Positive+ House which uses the latest in industry digitalisation and a distributed offsite manufacturing.

Forever Home

HLM Architects with University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), Mid Group, Hydrock and Greenbuild, with a ‘Forever Home’ based on a universal manufacturing platform that enables flexible, affordable, and sustainable homes that perpetuate a circular economy.

Janus House

Outpost with Propagating Dan, Strawworks, Gaia Group, Max Fordham, Milk, Momentum and EcoCocon with Janus, which combines traditional bio-based construction materials with modern 21st century techniques to create homes that are designed for a post fossil fuel age.

Studio Open

Studio OPEN with Elementa Consulting, with a community-focused ‘Forest City’ design, with a central garden shared between four homes which are built from locally sourced materials and with modern construction methods.

Young Persons Design Challenge banner

The Home of 2030 programme also included a Young Persons’ Challenge, an innovation challenge for manufacturers of new products and systems and a public engagement exercise to understand what people want from future homes.

BRE’s Smart Assets Lead Dr Ozak Esu was on the judging panel for the Young Persons’ Challenge, which was won by University of Nottingham student Rachael Milliner. Her ‘Urban Co-Existing’ design focuses on the Meadows Estate in Nottingham, reinvigorating the area with urban farming spaces which give residents access to fresh, healthy food.

I was impressed by the innovative ideas and enthusiasm demonstrated by the entrants, their considerations for sustainability, ideas for implementing technology, healthy, age friendly and inclusive living.

This year’s entries show the incredible pipeline of talent in schools and universities, which our industry stands to gain, through sustained encouragement and initiatives like the Home of 2030 competition. Congratulations to the winner and finalists!Ozak

Although the competition has formally ended, the Home of 2030 project continues in a number of ways and we hope will go on to inspire new homes. BRE is also supporting Homes England in introducing the finalists to development partners to discuss opportunities for construction.