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BRE ensures ongoing legacy for Institute for Sustainability

Note: This press release is over six months old and the details may have been superseded. Please contact the Press Office for the latest information.

Building science centre BRE has acquired key assets of the Institute for Sustainability (IfS), the sustainable development organisation focussed on innovation and knowledge transfer to improve cities and communities in the UK and Europe.

Since 2009 IfS has instigated a number of pioneering projects like Low Carbon London – which explored how the city could develop a smarter electricity network, Scaling Up Retrofit – solutions for mass market home refurbishment and Cradle to Cradle Bizz which looked at creating new value streams for business waste. These initiatives and many others delivered by IfS have a strong synergy with the applied science outputs of BRE which are instrumental in driving positive change across the built environment.

BRE Chief Executive Dr Peter Bonfield said ‘BRE shares with IfS a commitment and track record in bringing low carbon expertise and innovation to bear on the planning, design and operation of buildings, communities and cities. Following the global agreement achieved at COP21, this expertise is needed now more than ever as we transition to a low carbon global economy. We are pleased to strengthen our team capabilities with IfS expertise.’

Senior IfS staff will join BRE this week with the remit of strengthening the support BRE currently gives to industry, local and national government and stakeholder organisations that have large development and refurbishment programmes – particularly in cities – to fulfil their sustainability and innovation needs.

IfS Director Cathy Crawley said ‘We look forward to continuing to work with our key clients and partners and are very pleased that our current trustees have pledged their ongoing support in this new phase of our business. We plan to establish an IfS Advisory Board to capture the skills and commitment of stakeholders who want to support the transition of IfS into BRE and to further the legacy and objectives of IfS.’

For further information please contact Linda McKeown, BRE, email [email protected]


BRE: We are a world leading building science centre and the authority on all aspects of the built environment. We generate new knowledge through research that is used to create products, tools and standards that drive positive change across the built environment. We enable our government and private sector clients to meet the environmental, social and economic challenges they face by delivering higher performing, better quality, safer, more secure and more sustainable products homes, buildings and communities. We are owned by the BRE Trust, a registered charity, which funds research and education that advances knowledge of the built environment.  We are committed to building a better world together. We are BRE.

The Institute for Sustainability was established as an independent charity in 2009 to support cross sector collaboration and innovation. The Institute has since provided an effective and valued channel for innovation and knowledge transfer, pursuing its charitable aim of promoting sustainable