BRE welcomes Chancellor’s Future Homes Standard announcement, but high quality new homes are needed now.

Note: This press release is over six months old and the details may have been superseded. Please contact the Press Office for the latest information.

Gwyn Roberts, New Homes & Communities Lead at BRE said:

“BRE welcomes the Chancellor’s proposal for a Future Homes Standard. We fully support the need for future-proofed new homes but don’t think we should wait until 2025 for them.

“We need high quality homes that are fit for the future and that address societal challenges, to be built now. We are supporting government and investors on their drive to improve quality in new homes for improved health and wellbeing and to reduce environmental impacts through our solutions such as Home Quality Mark certification.

“Delivering homes that are fit for the future is not only about Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction. As the Chancellor stated, we must also value our green infrastructure. A resilient, future- proofed home is one that is fit for all, that meets our changing climate, demographics and social needs and does not need to be reto-fitted.  We must look at housing standards holistically and address the issues around permitted development. Everyone who buys or rents a new home must have a good experience.

“BRE’s data and analysis through the English Housing Survey shows that the cost to us all of poor housing, is high.  The cost to the NHS alone £1.4 bn each year.

“Ban Ki Moon, former General Secretary of UN said yesterday at MIPIM, “we should ensure that cities in the future will be sustainable, resilient, creative and dynamic by implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Ensure that all commercial and house building should be certified. Climate Change is no longer a debate it is a fact.”

“Supporting standards that are developed in the UK helps to position us as leaders on the world stage and in turn supports UK growth and the export of products and services internationally.”