BRE welcomes extension to UKCA marking deadline

BRE has welcomed the extension to the UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) marking deadline, announced by government on 24 August 2021. The transition period to obtain UKCA marking to demonstrate compliance with product regulations has been extended until 30th June 2025. UKCA marking enables manufacturers to demonstrate that their products have met UK product standards and … Continue reading “BRE welcomes extension to UKCA marking deadline”

Testing of doors for mental health facility

BRE and Design in Mental Health Network launch world-first testing scheme

As the UK marks Mental Health Awareness Week, BRE and the Design in Mental Health Network (DIMHN) have launched a world-first testing scheme for construction products used in mental health care facilities has launched today, offering vulnerable patients more protection from self-harm and better environments more conducive to recovery. The scheme offers comprehensive testing guidance … Continue reading “BRE and Design in Mental Health Network launch world-first testing scheme”

Mobility Scooter Fire Experiments

Lewisham Homes has partnered with the London Fire Brigade, BRE and the British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA) to carry out tests to examine how effective residential sprinkler systems are on mobility scooter fires. Steve Kilden, Fire Safety Advisor for Lewisham Homes said: ‘A growing number of residents need to use mobility scooters.  Because of … Continue reading “Mobility Scooter Fire Experiments”