Ramsdal bridge BREEAM Infrastructure

E39 Mandal øst – Mandal

Ramsdal bridge BREEAM Infrastructure

BREEAM Infrastructure Excellent sustainability rating (75.9%) – Construction Only Assessment

Version 6, 2023 | Norway

Assessed by: Elisabeth Larsen, Kristian F. Kristiansenr- Hæhre Entreprenør AS
Verified by: Mark Barrett, Independent Sustainability Advisor
Client: Nye Veier
Contractor: Hæhre Entreprenør AS

Project summary

E39 Mandal East- Mandal city consist of a 7 km long four lane highway that together with the new E39 Kristiansand-Mandal øst reduces the traveltime from Kristiansand with 20 minutes , and a 6 km two lane access road to the city of Mandal. The project includes two long bridges, wildlife crossings, a tunnel and 2 two-level intersections.

A total of 7 million m3 of different masses were moved within the project.

The project has a value of NOK 1.7 billion, and includes a twenty year warranty period.

Wildlife crossing


Embodied carbon emissions 60,452,000 kgCO2 equivalent 24% reduction achieved
Re-used excavated material 2,073,000 0 m3 100% of total material used
Waste diverted from landfill 1,194 tonnes 98.4% of total waste


Financial Benefits

Did the use of BREEAM Infrastructure deliver any financial benefits?

The use of BREEAM contributed to identify that short transport distances and size reductions of the concrete constructions was necessary to attain reduced costs and benefits for the environment. Most of the sub-contractors and materials were sourced locally.

The short transport distances reduced the energy consumption substantially. By using BREEAM we managed to have a more holistically sustainable approach to the project execution.

Estimated savings that can be attributed to BREEAM Infrastructure.

We saved approximately £1,3 million (17 million NOK) through improved soil handling.

In your view, has BREEAM Infrastructure represented value for money?

We estimate a cost reduction close to 20% due to Breeam Infrastructure .


In your view, has BREEAM Infrastructure represented value for money?

Breeam Infrastructure is a great tool to help put our work for a more sustainable future into a system and reach the goals set. It challenges us to be more transparent and increases our credibility.

The certification is well recognised in Norway. A completed evaluation with a good score will potentially give a greater chance of new contracts.


Landscape and historic environment

Both registered and non-registered heritage assets were moved and integrated in connection with the new road works. A major archaeological excavation was performed by the University of Oslo. The site was open for public visits and the findings has resulted in several films for social media, technical reports. Objects from the stone age is now on view at the local museum.


No incidents that resulted in damage to water bodies or other natural environments. At project finalization, the water recipients was in the same ecological and chemical state as before start-up, as a result of monitoring and carefully planned measures.


Careful planning and optimization of the mass balance enabled all excavated materials to be reused in the road structure, and more than 70% of the blasted materials from the tunnel were diverted from landfill. Surplus soil were used to improve existing cultivated land and fallow land.

Further Information

What were the main challenges for the project and how were these overcome?

One of the main challenges was the cost limit, which challenged us in some of the wanted solutions. Compromises had to be made, but not at the expense of the environment. Also, the very tight time schedule was a challenge, as there were a lot of mitigation measures to be made before entering the undeveloped land – to keep the land use at a minimum.

Spawning Gravel
Spawning Gravel

What were the drivers and perceived benefits for undertaking a BREEAM Infrastructure assessment on this project?

The motivation for undertaking such an evaluation was twofold; firstly, a greater awareness in the organization, and a more continuous and specific planning towards achieving the most sustainable result possible; and secondly a BREEAM Infrastructure certificate is well recognized in the industry,and could as such give advantages in future tenders.

How did the use of BREEAM Infrastructure influence the outcomes of the project? What was done differently because of the BREEAM Infrastructure process?

The reduction of CO2 emissions can partly be credited the use of BREEAM. Focus on EPD’s, transportation and resources has been well considered and planned topics that has resulted in great savings.

Also, several mitigations for amphibians and fish were identified and done, although outside of the scope. This would probably not have been the case if it was not for BREEAM and the increased awareness it brought to the table.

Fish Ladder BREEAM Infrastructure
Fish Ladder


The way Nye Veier involved us from the early beginning and challenged us made it possible to regulate, project and build a completely new European highway in less than four years.

Olav Gunnar Tveiten, Project manager Hæhre Entreprenør

We are proud that we together with Hæhre, despite the pandemic, has managed to keep progress more than optimal. The highway opens six months ahead of schedule, thereby avoiding another winter season on a stretch that has had a lot of accidents and operational disturbances.

Anette Aanesland, CEO Nye Veier

Sand Martin Hotel
Sand Martin Hotel

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