NABERS UK Licensed Assessors are a professional team of sustainability consultants, trained and licensed to perform NABERS ratings.
Assessors can generate independent revenue through NABERS assessments and can use the NABERS Licensed Assessor logo to promote their services.
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What do Assessors do?
Licensed Assessors carry out physical assessments of buildings to collect and then verify the data required to provide a NABERS Energy for Offices rating.
Once the information is collected and the rating is calculated, the Assessor submits it to the NABERS Technical Team who carry out an audit of the information before certifying the building with the final rating. NABERS ratings can only be performed by Licensed Assessors, who collect and verify all the data for a rating according to the NABERS rules or validation protocols.
Look for the NABERS Licensed Assessor logo. Only NABERS Licensed Assessors can use this symbol to promote their services.
Am I eligible?
Anyone is eligible to do Assessor training. An ideal candidate will already have formal qualifications or be skilled in the management and operation of buildings.
If you have experience in energy efficiency in buildings, you may also be suited.
How to become a NABERS Assessor
To become a NABERS Assessor you must complete the NABERS UK Assessor Training. Once you have passed the training you can email [email protected] to take out a licence.
The NABERS UK Assessor training is now available, to enrol please head to NABERS UK Assessor Training | BRE Academy
Upon receiving your license, you can begin finding a project to conduct your first rating on. Please contact [email protected] to notify them you’re beginning your rating so we can allocate you a supervisor for your Supervised Rating. For more information on NABERS UK Assessors, please read the NABERS UK Operations Manual.
Training and Licensing pricing
Visit our pricing page here for pricing information, including fees for:
- Assessor Training
- Assessor Licensing
NABERS UK Assessor Licensing is now open and available for those that have completed the NABERS UK Assessor Training. Please contact [email protected] to apply for a Licence and for all enquiries relating to licensing.
NABERS UK Assessor Training
Following the announcement on 4th September that BRE is ending its licence agreement with NABERS UK (NABERS UK to seek new administrator as BRE moves to focus on BREEAM – BRE Group), please be aware that the NABERS UK Energy for Offices training course has now transferred over to NABERS with effect from 26th October 2023.
NABERS has agreed to honour any trainees who have purchased the course with BRE but not yet completed the training course and passed the examinations, and will transfer your registration to the course free of charge on their own NABERS training platform. The NABERS training team will be in touch shortly with your login details.
Any new customers wishing to enrol on the NABERS UK Energy for Offices assessor training may purchase the course via the NABERS website.